The last thing anyone wants to see in their home or business is a cockroach. After all, where there is one or two, there are many, many more hiding out! Cockroaches are the bane of most people’s existence. Not only are they disgusting to see, but they carry diseases. What people don’t know about cockroaches is that they can trigger allergies and asthma. Read more about our cockroach elimination services here.
Is it True That Cockroaches Can Cause Allergies?
Cockroaches can cause a person to suffer from allergies just as pollen, cats or even dogs. One of the most common indoor allergies is from the cockroach. It’s believed the enzymes in their proteins cause the reaction, which can be found in their bodies, waste and saliva and is easily spread in the home.
Although cockroaches are more prevalent in the south because of the warmer climate, they can thrive anywhere there is a food source. In fact, between 78% and 98% of people who live in the city have an infestation in their homes.
60% of those people are allergic to them, with children being more susceptible. Due to the limited amount of research done on the subject, most people don’t realize their allergy issues may be due to cockroach exposure.
How Can You Know If Your Allergies Are Cockroach-Related?
Since cockroach allergy symptoms mimic other allergy culprits, the only way to know for sure is to have your doctor conduct an allergy test to determine if cockroaches are your source of misery. If so, then there are some at-home remedies you can try. What are the common symptoms of a cockroach allergy?
- Coughing
- Ear infections
- Itchy skin, eyes, throat and nose
- Nasal congestion
- Runny nose/postnasal drip
- Sinus infections
- Skin rash
- Sneezing
- Wheezing
How To Control A Cockroach Allergy?
The fundamental way to lower your chances of an allergic reaction to cockroaches is to limit your exposure to them.
6 Commonly Asked Questions People Have About Cockroaches In The Home
Your home is an excellent source of habitation for cockroaches, especially if it’s littered with food, dirt and trash. They love places that have:
- Cardboard
- Crumbs
- Dirty dishes
- Excess moisture
- Garbage
- Leftover food in empty containers/cans
- Pet food
When Are Roaches The Most Active?
Roaches spend most of the night actively looking for food and a mate. Outdoor cockroaches, which are found mainly in the northern parts of the U.S., will hibernate in the winter months. Their activity begins when the weather warms up (springtime).
Why Is Your Home Suddenly Inundated With Cockroaches?
The biggest reason cockroaches come inside a home is food. It doesn’t matter what the food is. If it’s left out on the counter or in a cabinet opened, they’ll come in seeking it.
Do Roaches Live Inside Mattresses?
For the most part, roaches are not typically found on a mattress. However, they can be commonly found hiding in bed frames or furniture near your bed. If you’re moving, make sure to dismantle the bed entirely and look for roaches. The best thing you can do is sanitize the items before moving. If you cannot do this, and the infestation is bad enough, consider throwing it out.
How Quickly Will Roaches Expand Their Numbers?
Baby cockroaches become grown adults within three to four months and can live up to a year. A female roach can birth six generations of cockroaches in a year, with 200 to 300 babies born each time.
Are Clean Houses Free Of Roaches?
Even if you were the cleanest person on the planet, cockroaches will try to make a home out of your clean home. They live in tiny crevices and cracks, usually under sinks, behind refrigerators and in cabinets and drawers. They come out at night, consuming whatever they can – food or non-food alike. As such, clean homes do not bother them at all!
Where Will Roaches Lay Their Nest?
Cockroaches like to start and build their nest in bathrooms or kitchens – anywhere there is a warm, humid environment for them to live and thrive in with plenty of food nearby. You can find them under your refrigerators, under furniture and in any cracks and crevices.
A Cockroach infestation in your home or office requires hiring a professional pest control exterminator. Hartz pest control is licensed & insured with excellent online reviews. Serving Residential & Commercial customers since 1989. You can count on Hartz for fast, effective & affordable service.
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