Hartz Pest Control Offers Rodent Pest Control Services
Thursday, October 13th 2022, 11:00 AM

Common Diseases By Rodents and Effective Rat Control Methods

Houston, United States - October 13, 2022 / Hartz Pest Control /

Rodents are among the most destructive types of pests in Texas. In addition to damaging property, they are a serious health hazard.

Rodents are disease carriers, and they deposit these diseases wherever they go, including in homes and businesses. Unfortunately, they are challenging to eradicate, especially when you try to do it yourself. 

Protect your home from rodent infestation by consulting a professional pest control service for effective rat control.

Common Diseases Spread by Rats and Mice

1. Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS):

HPS is one of the most severe diseases caused by rats and mice. Rats carrying this bacteria often transmit it through their urine, feces, and saliva. Once these rats' liquids dry and turn to dust, they mix up with the air and cause danger to everyone in the around. 

Although it’s not quite common in the United States, HPS has terrible symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, vomiting, and shortness of breath, and sometimes, it can be fatal. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HPS has a mortality rate of 38% in the United States.

2. Leptospirosis 

Leptospira bacteria cause this disease in the urine of infected rats. Leptospirosis can be contracted through contaminated food and water and is sometimes asymptomatic. 

When it shows symptoms, it takes from 2 days to 4 weeks to show, and these symptoms are easily confused for other diseases. 

Its symptoms range from mild pain, such as fever, headache, muscle ache, and abdominal pain, to severe pain, such as kidney disease, respiratory problems, and liver failure. It is rarely fatal and can last from a few days up to 3 weeks or longer, depending on the treatment.

3. Salmonellosis/ Salmonella

Salmonella is another common bacterial infection transmitted by rats and mice. The salmonella bacteria is usually present in their intestines and they transmit it through their feces. 

Humans can contract this disease through contaminated food or water and interaction with infected rats. 

Salmonellosis symptoms include diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and abdominal ache. In some rare cases, it might cause dehydration and arthritis. Symptoms take between 8 to 72 hours to show and can last from a few days to a few weeks.

4. Rat-Bite Fever 

Rat Bite Fever is a bacterial disease transmitted to humans through rat bites and scratches. Two active bacterias, Streptobacillus moniliformis (common in North America) and Spirillum minus (common in Asia), are responsible for this disease. 

The most common ways of contracting rat-bite fever are through bite and scratch from infected rodents, coming in contact with their saliva, feces, or droppings, and consuming contaminated food and water. 

Common symptoms of rat-bite fever include fever, vomiting, headache, muscle ache, and rash. In some cases, severe complications such as hepatitis, pneumonia, meningitis, and nephritis might occur. Symptoms take 3 to 10 days to show and, if not treated on time, can lead to death. According to the Centers for Disease and Prevention, the death rate for rat-bite fever is one out of ten.

How to Protect Your Home From Rodent Infestation

Seal up All Possible Entry Points

Protect your home by identifying and covering all possible entry points for rats and mice with rodent-proof materials like cement and a strong net. Repair broken doors and windows, replace weak nets with strong ones, and cover all holes in and outside the home.

Clean Your Environment

Keep your home and garden clean. Remove dirt from your gutter and keep your trash can closed. Do your dishes often, keep your kitchen counter neat and avoid exposing your pet's meal dish.

Set Traps

If you already have rats in your home, consider setting traps to catch them. Invest in traps that are safe for children and pets. After disposing of dead rodents, remember to wash your hands carefully before touching anything else.

Invest in Rodent Pest Control

Trying to control or eradicate rodents alone might be draining, frustrating, and stime-consuming, and there is no guarantee that you’ll succeed. To efficiently protect your home from pests and rodents, consult pest control experts and invest in rodent pest control services.

Get The Best Rodent Pest Control in Houston, TX.

Hartz Pest Control is your best choice for effective rats and mice extermination for your home and business in Houston, Katy, Cypress, and Woodland, TX. They have been in business for over thirty years and deliver prompt and excellent services. Their exterminators are well trained and experienced in all kinds of rat and mice extermination. 

Aside from rodent pest control, Hartz Pest Control offers various residential and commercial pest control services that target pests and insects such as termites, mosquitoes, cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, and ticks. They also offer animal relocation services.

Why You Should Hire Professionals For Your Rat Control Needs

Although it might be tempting to handle your rat infestation by yourself, it is not advisable. Rodents are very dangerous in the home and reproduce quickly, making it essential to take fast action once they enter your home. Other reasons why you should have a professional do your rat and mice extermination include:

They Have More Experience

Professional exterminators have experience dealing with different rats and mice in various buildings. This experience will come in handy and help them produce efficient results when they work on your project. They know where to search for rats, how to exterminate them, and how to prevent them from gaining access in the future.

They Help You Save Time

Licensed exterminators have the necessary equipment and resources that will enable them to complete the task faster than you would, allowing you to solve your pest problem quickly before the rodents cause more damage.

They Help You Save Money

DIY pest control can be expensive, especially after several failed trials. Having a professional exterminator solve the problem at once will save you the money you would have spent on equipment and reduce stress.

They Take Safety Measures

Professional exterminators take safety measures while getting rid of rodents and other pests.

To enjoy affordable and effective rat control in Houston, TX, contact Hartz Pest Control at 713-461-4866 or visit their website.

Contact Information:

Hartz Pest Control

1814 West Sam Houston Pkwy N
Houston, TX 77043
United States

Tom Collier
(713) 461-4866


Hartz Pest Control has been serving the Greater Houston area since 1987. Services include pest control to rid your home or business of: Cockroaches, Termites, Crazy Ants, Fire Ants, Bed Bugs, Rodents, Fleas & Ticks.


Tom Collier
Hartz Pest Control

1814 West Sam Houston Pkwy N
Houston, TX, 77043, United States

E-Mail tcollier@hartzpestcontrol.com

Phone (713) 461-4866


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