Mice vs. Rats: Are They One and Same?
People often interchange the words “rat” and “mice,” but the two words mean two different types of rodents. Yes, both rodent breeds live in the world and can get into a home, but they are different.
It’s important to know what the differences are, especially if you believe you have a rodent infestation. The dangers they pose to your family are different. Therefore, it’s imperative to learn if the infestation is mice or rats.
Mice vs. Rats: They Are NOT The Same
Despite sharing commonalities in features, they are not the same type of rodent and cannot crossbreed. How can you tell the difference between a mouse and a rat? The number one difference is the size. Mice are around 3.75 to 4 inches long with a 2-to-4-inch tail. Rats can reach 10 inches long and have a tail that reaches nine inches long.
Mice are small rodents, whereas rats are mid-size rodents. The tail of the rodent is a great way to know if you have a mouse in the house or a rat. Mice’s tails are smaller and thinner; rats have longer, thicker tails.
If you’re unsure if it’s a mouse that’s invaded your home or a rat, the dropping size is another way to determine the type. Mice droppings are small and thin; rat droppings tend to be thicker and longer.
What Are The Characteristics Of A Rat?
The color of rats includes white, brown, red, black, and gray. They can grow up to 10 inches long, with five-to-nine-inch tails. For the majority of rats, their bodies are shorter than their hairless tails.
What Are The Characteristics Of A Mouse?
Mice have large ears, round bodies, and pointed spots. They are no more than four inches long with tails that can reach four inches long.
How Do You Know If You Have Rats In Your Home?
If you recognize any of the signs below, you may have an infestation of mice or rats in your home. If the signs include holes in the flooring or walls that are three inches in diameter, you are dealing with a rat infestation.
- Chew Marks – Rats often leave chew and gnaw marks on plastic paneling, plywood, structural woodwork, concrete, and frozen ground.
- Nests – Rats are commonly associated with nests, using all kinds of materials such as paper, cardboard, shredded plastic bags, straw, food remains, etc.
How Do You Know If You Have Mice In Your Home?
- Chew Marks – Mice also do a lot of chewing and gnawing, which can either be smooth or rough. Due to their nature to use the same paths, they often leave smudge marks, tracks, or droppings along the way.
- Droppings – One way to know if you have mice in your house is to recognize their smell. Their urine is pungent, as it’s their way of communicating with each other. An overpowering smell translates to one thing: you have a significant infestation in the home.
Concerned homeowners can read more about rat control services near them by visiting this webpage: https://hartzpestcontrol.com/rat-extermination/